For nearly 30 years my grandparents lived in the country about 4 miles west of Reedley California. My grandfather Gordon was a farmer and my grandmother Leona was a hardworking farmer’s wife who in mid life became a winery worker. They were both smart, hardworking, friendly generous and loving people. They have been fondly remembered to me by
many other people over the years. I’ve hard countless stories about their hospitality and generosity.
In 1972 they sold their farm and bought a home on 2/3 of an acre on busy Mountain View Avenue two miles from Kingsburg where they spent the next 20 years growing the biggest tomatoes and Russian black berries I’ve ever seen. Their large vegetablegarden with stone fruit trees and the berry vines provided extra income and another avenue to make new friends.
After retiring from the winery Leona opened a business making stuffed toys. They often told stories about the visitors who dropped by to purchase tomatoes and left with armloads of toys and fruit and veggies. Gordon often make cuttings of his plants and gave them to visitors. Out of state truck drivers seemed to be a favorite for stopping by. Gordon and Leona made new friends and enjoyed their old friends on a daily basis. I visited my grandparents several times a week and almost always was introduced to new folks.
My grandmother was known as a wonderful cook and loved to share recipes and that is how her cookbook business began. She had so much response to her request for recipes for her first book that she made a second and third.
Leona was a wonderful woman with many attributes I aspire to. She was thrifty, fun loving and enjoyed a challenge. I hope that you will find encouraging words and photos that make you feel at home here. My grandparents made folks feel like family and I hope you feel the same way on this website.
Come on in, pull up a chair and sit a while.